Your results are up:
Match duel : Won o-o-NA (25/25)
Deck Construction - Scraps (23/25)
count: 5
Performance 5
Consistency/Synergy 5
Creativity 4
Sophistication 4
Well made, effective and fun. interesting choice of Cards Trooper. I'd personally go for thunder king.
Performance (25/25)
Overall, I could't notice any misplays. As for your side it was interesting standard Light-Imprisoning Mirror and the interesting Chain Destruction. Honestly I'm facing really good players in RDA.
Single Duel - (19/20)
Result: won 5/5
Deck Construction - Constellars 9/10
Performance 5/5
Ruling Question: (0/5)
Incorrect answer
+2 points for good attitude.
Full Score: 94/100 ---> Obelisk BlueReplays: I'll add them when my internet stop being a b**ch Dorm Assigned,Teacher awarded and topic locked