Your results are up:
Match duel : win o-o-NA (25/25)
Deck Construction - Yubel Deck (23/25)
count: 5
Performance 4
Consistency/Synergy 5
Creativity 4
Sophistication 5
I honestly never thought I'll test someone who'll be using such a deck, you surprised me and you're deck was really well made.
Performance (25/25)
Well played overall, Cyber Dragon and Mind Crush were very good choices to side.
No misplays where noticed. Good Job.
Single Duel [Epic Battle Pack]: (19/20)
Result: won 5/5
Deck Construction 9.10
You did well, though I don't know why you've kept Obelisk here.
Performance 5/5
No misplays, all ok
Ruling Question: (5/5)
+2 points for good attitude.
total score: 99/100 ---> Golden Horakhty
Dorm assigned, Teacher DPs awarded and topic locked |
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