Your results are up:Match duel : Lost x-x-NA (0/25)
Deck Construction - Machina-Kuri (16/25)
count: 5
Performance 3
Consistency/Synergy 3
Creativity 2
Sophistication 3
Not much of any originality in it, I didn't like Genex Neutron in it.
Performance (18/25)
I'm not sure why you've kept a hold on Dark Hole in turn 2 of duel 1, Pleiades was blocking you and you could have used DH to stop it, you couldn't have known I had lance FD, and even if I did you could have then ss'd Machina Fortress forcing me to use the effect and you'll have to look at my hand and discard a card. Then to SS machina back to the field as protection. You've also should have thought of it, I run stellars and an omega was certainly on the way. Turn 5 of the same duel, I'm not sure what were you trying to accomplish with the move you've done, then you surrendered. You could have done more, you had a DH! also a mirror FD and Omega had only one material, you could have survived. And who knows, you could have won.
As for your side decking... 2 Mistakes, 2 Dynas, 1 Snowman eater, 2 Veilers
I don't see that as a good choice, Mistake was gonna block you too, and I didn't have that much of adding effects. Dyna and Snowman were decent choice, though Dyna could have blocked you too. Veiler was good to side.
Single Duel [Light Pack]: (19/20)
Result: won 5/5
Deck Construction 9/10
looked good enough.
Performance 5/5
No misplays.
Ruling Question: (5/5)
Correct (I couldn't to not notice you've just copied exact same lines from wiki -.-)
+2 points for good attitude.
Full Score: 60/100 ---> Ra Yellow (Minimum amount to enter the Ra dorm!, but you've earned it)
Dorm assigned, Teacher DPs awarded and topic locked |