Subject: Gorgonic Deck Profile Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:35 pm#1
Stare of Stone: Gorgonics, the new Archetype introduced in Legacy of the Valiant, are a group of DARK Rock-type monster that prevent reduce the efficacy of your opponent's cards, effectively turning them into stone. With this power, The Gorgonics are in prime position to lock down and counter your opponent.
Gorgonic Guardian: The Mighty Ace of the Gorgonic Archetype has a few tricks that it can utilize. Once per turn, during either player's turn, you can detatch a Xyz material to turn an opponent's monster to stone, negating its effects and reducing its ATK to 0. You can use this during the opponent's turn as an impromptu Effect Veiler, or during their battle Phase to turn one of their attack monsters into dust. During your turn, you can use Gorgonic Guardian's second effect to destroy one of your opponent's monsters with 0 ATK. The attack reduction effect can be used during your damage step or just during the battle phase to get around your opponent's effect veilers or other effect Negation.
Gorgonic Golem: The key monster of the non-Xyz Gorgonics, this being of stone can influence other things as well. When it is destroyed by battle, the monster that destroyed it has its ATK reduced to 0, giving you a direct path to your opponent's life points. You can also banish it from the graveyard to prevent your opponent from activating one of their Set Spell or Trap cards during your turn.
Problem Decks: As all of the Key monsters have less than 1500 ATK, the deck is vulnerable to Deck Devastation Virus. As a result, the main decks that you should watch out for with Gorgonics are other Dark Decks.
Optional Techs: Attack the moon can give you additional Spell/Trap destruction, and Rockfall area can protect your monsters while sending Gorgonic Golems to the graveyard. Downerd Magician can be an aditional Xyz beatstick, with the added bonus of being Virus Material.
Gorgonics have effect negation and they can keep S/T cards from activating. I did consider running them with Reptiliannes, but it doesn't work out quite as well. Gorgonic Golem can make a nice splash for Reptiliannes though.