As you know by now the new banlist has been released and as usual I give my seasonal new age article on how this format changes things. Hero goes this season top meta.
Top Deck This format
- War Gods(better known as Bujins)
I know I said this last season as well but this season its finally really true Bujins make tier 1 this season with konami completely shutting down elemental dragons. There speed and consistency is well known and documented and they were just waiting on a banlist to nuke those dragons for them to finally be realized as one of the top decks in the game. They have that chance now and they will really be effective in this format.
The durability of this deck should be highly noted. Those Yokes especially are what truly make this known as a top caliber deck. Even last format if you found a way to avoid big eye this deck was in top contention with elemental dragons. Now that there gone I wonder what decks (besides constellar) are really going to go on par with it. Guess we will wait and see.
This deck has shown a lot in the previous format. Its fair to say this deck has pretty much secured its tier 1 spot with how fast the deck can go and all the playable options it has.
You cant go talking top tier without mentioning constellars. There quick bouncing ability sometimes makes this seem like the most broken and annoying decks in the game. Though we all know its fairly true that its not extremely broken at all, we know that these are tremendously effective against most decks.
With the extra zombie support now unlimited being mezuki and plague its impossible not to consider the zombies back in top tier contention. Zombie XYZ specifically is going to truly be effective this format since zombies these days have no need for plague anymore. Zombies quick ability to spam rank 4 even without the extra mezuki was undoubtedly decent. Now with Mezuki fully back at 3 there is nothing truly holding zombies back from there potential. Make it or break it time for these creatures.
With all these other new things and decks going on I believe some of you have forgotten these french delicacies (what maldoches names come from). They are still very fast and very effective and weren't hit at all by the banlist.
Honorable MentionsWith TG striker back at 3 I bet you can say your surprised to not see this in the place of the top tier decks. The thing is that all these other fast decks have in my opinion out sped the TG agents. Now tg agents are at best tier 2 in this format but I wouldn't be surprised if they find some way to sneak into tier 1. They have the capability.
We still can mention this trap heavy deck cause this is still back row heavy format. They haven't unbanned heavy storm or some big backrow savers. So as far as the game is concerned it is still a big backrow format.
Now that archlord krystia is back at 3. Oh dear god help us all. Put it simply like this Archlord + herald = GG. No better way to put it.
Overall LookThere you have are some key top decks this format. I do know there are some I havent metioned like mermails and plants but still we get the general idea on them. Konami has built one hell of a good banlist for this winter season. We can all rejoice and lift voices and say E-drags are finally dead. That annoyance is gone for at least 1 format. More and more recently there making it into a more skill based game instead of brokens decks. Yet tho every now and then they will release a new broken card just to get that revenue. Point being that more and more we are going have to rely on skill to win our games instead of broken cards and decks.
I wish you the best of luck this format. Happy dueling