In with the Old: People who claim that Konami never makes cards to support old archetypes never look very hard. The new Cyber Network card allows for the summoning of banished LIGHT Machine-type monsters. And wouldn't you know it, the old XYZ archetype are LIGHT Machine-type monsters that banish themselves.
The Core (Pardon the Pun) Combo: By Summoning Cyber Dragon Core, you can search out Cyber Network. During your opponent's next turn, you can banish a Cyber Dragon Drei from your deck to protect Core until your next turn. You can then use Cyber Network to banish XYZ parts to set up for turn three or earlier, and either banish more Dreis to protect your core, or let it be destroyed and then banish it next turn to summon a Drei and set up a XYZ play.
XYZ - In more ways than one: Since this deck is machine based, it has a lot of potential combos for easy Rank 4 Xyz. Banishing Core to summon Drei can set up a Gear Gigant or a different rank 4 easily, while Tin Goldfish and Iron Call increase the ease of summoning Rank 4 monsters. Frontline base can also provide a continuous stream of XYZ materials.
Optional Techs: You can include some interesting cards to tweak out the deck a bit more to your liking and to improve its functionality. Malevolent Catastrophe will let you blow up Cyber Network on your opponent's turn, letting you bypass the side effect. The Virus cards can be run fairly easily thanks to the Chimeratechs, which also opens up the option of making this deck into a chaos build.