Match Results : 25 points: 5/25 (Lost match 2-1; o-x-x)
Deck Construction : 25 points: 21/25
Deck Count - 5 points – 3/5
Deck Performance - 5 points - 4/5
Consistency And Synergy - 5 points – 5/5
Creativity - 5 points – 4/5
Sophistication - 5 points – 5/5
The deck itself is actually quite solid, but there are a few things I'd change about it...more specifically, you could tech a Dracossack in your Extra Deck to get over things Burei just can't. Additionally, you have the potential to run Naturia Synchros here, but you opt not to...these monsters are far too good to not include here. You're also missing Bureido, which can get you some pretty nasty card advantage, especially when combined with De-Synchro (which you're also missing) and Karakuri Anatomy (which you only need 1 of; it's searchable). There are just a bunch of missing pieces here that should really be addressed the next time you look through this deck. Also, bear in mind the format...Heavy Storm is forbidden in September TCG, and Soul Drain is limited to 1.
Performance : 25 points: 19/25
You show a decent knowledge of how things work, but there are still some problems here. Additionally, your Side Deck had little impact on my own asserted control of the match early by taking first blood, but then I was able to take back 2 in a row for the match win.
Match Score: 45/75
Single duel [Dueling Network] : 25 points: 11/25
-Winning the single: 5 points: 0/5
-Deck Construction: 5 points: 3/5 (Had Heavy again, and also could use work outside of that (mained Consecrated Light is dead far too often; side it instead...additionally, Magical Mallet doesn't do much for your deck that Beckoning Light or another, more splashable card could do instead))
-Performance: 15 points: 8/15 (Rushed a bit too much with Ryko milling at times, some ruling and interactions issues...needs work, but you can get there)
Total Score: 56/100: Slifer Red