Lost the Match: [O.O.NA] 25 pts
Deck: 18 pts
Deck Count: 5 pts
Deck Performance: 4 pts
Deck Consistency: 5 pts
Deck Creativity: 3 pts
Deck Sophistication: 1 pts
A Constellar deck. Not much of a personal touch I feel, but it was fairly consistent.
Performance: 21 pts
An excellent duel. The only siding you did was swapping a Constellar Super Rebirth for a fiendish chain. No misplays.
Single: 15 pts
Won the single: 5 pts
Deck Construction: 7 pts
Deck Performance: 3 pts
You included Reasoning when it could be implied that the monster that would be drawn would be level 4. You didn't include either retort, to help deal with S/T mill, or void trap hole. You also didn't choose to draw via Kuraz.
Ruling Question:
Correct. 5 pts.
+2 points for good behavior
Total: 86 pts
Obelisk Blue