Dead Line
Guess the right monster
PM me your answer
I will describe a monster and all u have to do its guessing that monster
As always one guess for Riddle for each player
After 3 days have passed i will lock and award
15DP each riddle
1. Im a winged beast i born human but got wings to fly i have 3 sisters but thy arent sweet ones who i am?
2. Im like the red-eyes black dragon but i was drag into the shadows and used to kill but still i have the same of him who i am?
3.Im an golden dragon i raise the skys above me i burn the battlefields around me i can be revivel but only if i lose an battle who i am?
4. Im a fearless warrior when im first summen i control but when i really awek my power i shall obliderate you all who i am?
5. First time you see me im small second time im in a caccom but when you see me for he 3rd time its too late who i am?
Have Fun
And guess before the deadline