Your results are up:
Match duel : win x-o-x (10/25)
Deck Construction - Madolche (12/25)
count: 5
Performance 1
Consistency/Synergy 2
Creativity 2 (well, you were trying something, it failed but yet you tried so.. 2)
Sophistication 2
Gorz in a Madolche deck? level 8s? The hard earth monarch? just no...
it looked to me as a netdeck that you tried to "fix" and why I think that is mention in the performance.
Performance (10/25)
duel 1 turn 3, I can't describe the misplays...
duel 1 turn 5, I ... really can't find the words.. really bad preformace you seemed you didn't even know how the deck works, nor you knew how the cards work... (netdeck?) In same turn why didn't you use ticket to add hootcake? ...
Your side was just a veiler, nothing more...
duel 2 turn 1, you didn't have to set hootcake, you had a gorz in hand! you could have just ended your turn and prepare for the next while using gorz, and when it's destroyed to make it food for hootcake.
Overall look, honestly not good playing, a lot of misplays in basic things, you didn't side any helpful thing. Sorry, you can't have any more of the points I've given
Single Duel [Epic Battle Pack]: (6/20)
Result: lost 0/5
Deck Construction 2/10
Bad :l .. just randoms ..
Performance 4/5
you thought Chalice as Lance effect, you've used zenmister in good way with ryko but then you made a misplay by using it on itself ... Over all it was a long duel, you had the basic plays.
Ruling Question: (0/5)
Answered incorrectly
+2 points for good attitude.
Total score: 40/100 ---> Slifer Red
Dorm assigned, Teacher DPs awarded and topic locked |