Custom Title : Cakes Emperor
Posts : 5282
YGOPro Name : RsS.YuGi
DN Name : RsS.YuGi
Dueling Points : 16.445
Skill Points : 378
BT Record : 10-0
Events Count : 10
Reputation : 42
| Subject: Battle Tower Arena Main Rules Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:58 pm#1 | |
Battle Tower (BT) is an arena that simply has a rating that follows an ELO rating system. Using this arena is a way to gain Dueling Points (DP), Skill Points (SK) that will be used in leveling you up through dorms.
How does the ELO work:
The rating will be starting with a base rating of 1000 for every new entry.
For each duel win, you'll gain points depending on the points of your opponent, for each loss you'll lose points also depending on the current points of your opponent.
Basically, you'll gain/lose points depending on the level of your opponents.
An implanted sheet will have each player's points, wins/loses in it and it will be sorted from the highest to lowest. You can check the ranking sheet HERE
The ELO will be reset every new format and an award of (15 skill points) will be given to the top duelist of that format, Also a name in hall of fame.
There will also be a record of wins and loses but this record will not be reset. You can reset the record buy purchasing the item from the shop.
Arena Rules:
Any member can perform this with any other member from RDA, you can duel as much as you want in this ranked arena and there are no deck restricted. If you and your opponent are agreeing on restricting decks, then that's personal and up to you but both of you must make sure they save screens as proves if something goes wrong.
Duel Rules:
Match duel performed either on YGOPro or DN, all options are set as default with latest banlist and TCG/OCG cards allowed.
The winner: 50 Dueling Points and 3 Skill Points. The loser: 10 Dueling points in case he won a duel in the match.
Posting a Battle Tower duel:
The winner should post the arena by using the following form:
The duel will not be awarded until the opponent confirms it.