cagethedarkmaster (inzektors) vs. masterredcow (prophecy)
Match Result:
loss x.x=0
The build seems sound, but it's overall lacking execution. First of all, you made misplays with your spellbook of fate, and with it
being the deck's kill card, you can't afford to make those mistakes. You used the third effect to set up an open backrow to attack into,
but it really didn't net you any advantage, and ultimately just needlessly banished a spellbook in your grave. Best to stick to the two
standard book plays; floating with spellbook magician, and banishing key stun cards. The deck appears to suffer from a lack of spellbooks,
the end result being you were able to get monsters out, but unable to protect them to any degree. You had 3 books in the grave and fate
face down at the end of game 1, and I had dark armed dragon out, you chose to let me use him to destroy fate, without activating it.
Another important combo to keep in mind is one I like to lovingly call "the illusion of free choice" in which you open with spellbook library
of the crescent, choose secrets, fate and master. Follow up with a spellbook magician to pick the secrets or master that wasn't chosen, and float
your way to all 3 regardless of your opponent's choice. You don't appear to have had that choice this time around, but that combo is very powerful
and consistently sets up your grave.
Lastly, since spellbooks tend to draw dead, (most players run 3 library of the crescent for consistent first turn draws) it would behoove you to
run cost cards that let you pitch that dead draw to the grave and use it as food for your Spellbook Tower. Two strong plays right now are Phoenix
Wing Wind Blast and Karma Cut, largely because they can cause your opponent's deck to spin out of control (imagine a darkworld duelist paying for
skill drain and you spin it to the top of their deck in response) It is possible that you had all of these tools in your deck, but you certainly
didn't draw into them, even with pot of duality helping you out, so I'm being as thorough as possible at explaining your options.
Deck Construction:
deck count 5/5
deck performance 3/5
consistency&synergy 5/5
creativity 4/5
sophistication 4/5
Performance: 15/25
As I said, the fate misplays cost you in performance severely. It was especially difficult for you to work around only having one spellbook magician,
and the result was not being able to sustain board control.
Single (DN) T.G. madolche
win single 5/5
deck construction 5/5
performance 15/15
This time you were on point. You played the backrow game for the first turn, choosing not to play monsters for me to eat. I had a weak hand, to be
honest, and was forced to open with a set monster, something that's really rare for my mermails. You made one small misplay, allowing me to activate
gungnir, dragon of the ice barrier's effect before chaining your book of moon. With turn priority gone, it's best to play book upon summon, so I can't
use the effect at all. The end result was you losing all of your reactive backrow. Unfortunately for me, you still pulled off the tiaramisu summon
next turn, and that was all she wrote. Excellently executed.
attitude 2/2
total: 63
Congratulations! You scored as a high Slifer Red student. Your builds were on-point, and you were a delight to duel. It could just be poor
luck that caused you to lose your match so terribly, but if you take my advice to heart and make the changes to keep your deck competitive,
when the opportunity comes up on a retest, you'll know when to take it, and own the game! Welcome to RDA.