Match Full Score ((24/75))Match (Lost) x-x-x [0/25]Deck Construction (Chaos Drags) [14/25]Count 3/5Performance 3.5/5Consistency & Synergy 3.5/5Creativity 2/5Sophistication 2/5Pretty much a standard last banlist Chaos Drag build. It needed protection. It needed a side deck and it needed a full extra deck. There are lots of must needed changes to be made here.
Performance [10/25]Round 1:
You had no type of control in this duel at all. Also you had lack of focus because u forgot yokes affect causing it to gain attack and end you even faster.
Round 2:
You started out fast and spammed chaos drags. I was on the ropes with 1 yoke until I got another. In which you just couldnt find a way to get rid of. After i summoned a yoke you found a way to get rid of the 2 materials but never enough to finish actually a yoke off. Then in the end you yourself cost yourself advantage. You summoned trident dragon and destroyed 1 of your advantages in the duel. You simply just made it easier for me to actually win without much of a struggle.
Single Duel Full Score ((9/20))Single (Lost) [0/5]Deck Construction (Neo Spacians) [2/5]Again side deck had issues and cards in main deck needed switching out for better options.
Performance [7/15]You didn't necesarrily perform very well at all. You didn't know the prisma rulings. Then you had the hard task to deal with 1 monster the whole duel. Just 1 monster i summoned and you couldn't get rid of it with all the things you had.
Attitude ((2/2))___________________________________________________
Full Score: ((35/102)) ---> You will start in the Slifer Red Dorm
Replays: None was a DN test.