Match Full Score ((62.5/75))Match (Won/Lost) x-o-o [25/25]Deck Construction (Noble Knights) [19.5/25]Count 5/5Performance 4/5Consistency & Synergy 3.5/5Creativity 3/5Sophistication 4/5Overall the deck looked pretty good. Only slight changes needed. The lady tuner needs to at least have 2. That card is a game changer hands down. Also Thrasher doesn't really set up many combos in the deck. Also you could use a few better choices in your side deck for different decks.
Performance [18/25]Round 1: You misplayed turn 3 targeting gachi instead of my back row. In the end that back row cost you all control you had building up and you were not able to recover.
Round 2: You took complete control when you fiendish chained my manju and put me in no position to be able to counter. GG
Round 3: Your timing and judgment on those traps were excellent since it turned out the be the deciding factor in the duel. Nice job loudfish
Side: Your side choice of Rai-oh was smart and you should have stuck with it both rounds. The other side of stygian dirge doesn't really have any affect on my deck and wasn't a very useful side choice at all. You should update your side deck to more reliable options.
Single Duel Full Score ((19.5/25))Single (Loss/Won) [5/5]Deck Construction (Flame Dinos) [3/5]Your deck needs more spell trap destruction because it doesn't have any. Lance won't do enough to save you. Consider taking out some of those traps for mst. Also you were bette roff having catastor in your extra deck than mist wurn since you will have more chances to use it.
Performance [11.5/15]Misunderstood some rulings.
General evaluation Overall throughot the test you did a good job.
Attitude ((2/2))___________________________________________________
Full Score: ((84/102)) ---> Sorry loud but you will be demoted to the Ra Yellow Dorm